In conversations regarding web hosting, I have come across many who ask “What’s a Control Panel?” Website owners should know that they have some of the simplest and most powerful tools available to them when managing their websites. Whether you manage your own site or not, there are some very nice features that are or at least, should be, available to you.
Now keep in mind, there are several control panels out there today that offer many different features and that work on many servers. But, for the most part, they all have similar functions. For our discussion, we’ll be focusing on the features that are easy to use and the most visible and show you how you can get the most use out of your control panel and how it could benefit your sales and marketing strategies.
To make this a little easier, this topic will be broken down into a three part series:
1. Effectively using your email management tool
2. Digging through Web Analytics
3. Backing up your data
So, stay with us as we cover these topics. Along the way, should you have any comments or feedback, please send those back to
Art Vivas
EzBrz Group
This article is part of the “How To Manage Your Control Panel” training series.
Art Vivas is a professional multimedia solutions provider, consultant and executive management leader.
For questions please email